
You can join the live sessions from within the "Agenda" page at the top of the screen. In the agenda, simply select the session that you would like to join, and once inside select the red "Watch Livebutton to join the livestream.

On each session page, there is a panel on the right-hand side with the following tabs:

  • People: This lists the speakers, moderators, and attendees who are in this session.
  • Slides: Contains links to downloadable content relevant to the section. This tab will not appear if there is no content.
  • Chat: Can be used to communicate with fellow attendees within the current session.
  • Q&A: Can be used to view and submit questions to the presenters.*

To submit a question, click on the Q&A tab on the relevant session page on the agenda. Here you will see a "Select a Speaker" dropdown where you must select to whom to submit your question. Below that, you may type your question, and when complete, select "submit."

Below the question submission, there are two tabs: "Answered" and "Unanswered." Newly submitted questions appear as unanswered and, once a speaker responds, will be automatically moved to the answered tab. There is also a dropdown menu here to filter the questions by a specific speaker.

*Please note that you must be on the speaker's specific session page to submit a question.

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